Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Surfing For A Car Moving At 50 Km H?

Lizzie asks…HELP WITH SCIENCE PLEASE !?(:?-1. A bird flew 16 km west in 5 hours, then flew 20 km east in 6 hours. What was the bird’s velocity?
a. 3.2 km/h
b. 11 m/s west; 14 m/s east
c. 2.1 km/h west; 2.6 km/h east
d. 3.2 km/h west; 3.3 km/h east

-2. Alicia wanted to pull out a particular issue from a pile of magazines. First, she tried pulling slowly, and the whole pile began to move. Then she tried pulling quickly, and the issue she wanted came out without the pile

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