Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Surfing For To Lift In Italian?

Charles asks…Can you tell me how to fry zucchini to make it crispy?I grew more zucchinis than I can give away or eat! LOL I want to try to pan fry them, but what should I use for batter or breading? I am planning on frying in vegetable oil (NOT shortening) OR if you know any way to bake/broil to make them crispy that would be good too. Thank you!Nancy answers:Fried Zucchini Fritters
Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------

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Surfing For How Long After Starting The Pill?

Ken asks…if I start the pill sunday- does it take thrity days to start to work?I am going to start the pill Sunday- How long does it take for it to take effect so that I will not get pregnant?Nancy answers:I would go through at least 2 months worth of pills just to make sure
You need the first month to get your body used to the drug in your system and then you need the second month to see if it does regualte your period as it should. If not you may need more estrogen/stronger/less

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Surfing For To Avoid Anxiety?

Mark asks…How can I focus in school and avoid social anxiety?I'm going back to school pretty soon here, and I want it to be better than my last few school years. I dread going to school everyday because I constantly get so nervous around everybody. I just want to feel confident again and not immediately break into sweat when someone starts a conversation with me. I can barely focus on any of the school work because I am so distracted by my anxiety of being around a lot of people. I guess you

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Monday, April 29, 2013

Surfing For Agcl Is It Aqueous?

Michael asks…How do you tell if a reaction will occur when two aqueous solutions are mixed?How do you tell if a reaction will occur when two aqueous solutions are mixed? Specifically, why is there a reaction between:

silver nitrate and sodium chloride; calcium bromide and potassium phosphate; iron (III) acetate and sodium sulfide

but not between:

barium chloride and sodium nitrate; ammonium chloride and mercury (II) nitrate

Am having trouble grasping this concept, thanks for any

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Surfing For To Lift Definition?

Ruth asks…How do you get a great body without weight-lifting?Muhammad Ali never worked with weights (did not believe in them), I just learned. It got me thinking, what are some good ways to get a lean, cut body with definition without using weights? I despise weights. Punching bag? Some kind of activity?Nancy answers:Pilates(no, its not just for women), biking, rock climbing, really anything that gets your heart rate up and uses your muscle. ;)Thomas asks…How do I lose some muscle while

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Surfing For After Starting The Engine?

Sharon asks…What size battery do I need for a 6.5 HP Electric start engine?We bought my son a 6.5 HP Electric Start Engine for his go-kart. What size battery do I need?Nancy answers:The biggest physical size that fits is always my choice to replace any battery because I want the most power possible from it. However, make sure the terminals are covered and cannot accidentally short out which is a safety hazard. The best battery for a go Kart would be the new spiral wound batteries that you

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Surfing For The Body?

Steven asks…What body part are guys most attracted to on a girl and why?What body part on a girl really catches a guys eyes? And what do they think when they see that body paart?Nancy answers:Physically they are breasts, tits, beautiful face and eyes, nice slim body and curves. Under the panties is the vijayMaria asks…How long can the average human body survive without sleep?Can your body die because of loss of sleep? If so, how long does it take?Nancy answers:You won't die. You will

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Surfing For To Lift Weights In Spanish?

Lizzie asks…Can you translate to spanish please?How would you translate these sentences?

Who lifts weights?
Who (all) watches t.v.?
What is your phone number?
Where is the restaurant?
How many guys play video games?
How many girls talk on the phone?

Thank you!Nancy answers:Quién alza pesas?
Quienes miran Televisión?
CUál es tu teléfono?
Dónde está el restaurante?
CUántos chicos jugaban videojuegos?
Cuántas niñas hablan por teléfono?Steven asks…how do you manage a restaurant and

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Surfing For When Dealing With An Upset Customer?

Mandy asks…Why do employees seem upset when you return items to the store?I remember back in the days when you return items the employees seem to be apologetic and refund your money happily without any hassle. Nowadays, they seem to give you hard time and are rude about refunding your money. Now I don't feel like purchasing anything because I don't want to deal with hassles of returning items if I need to.Nancy answers:Stop being a difficult customer. We don't want the hassle. You're

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Surfing For Physics Formulas For Force?

Richard asks…Help with physics question on resultant force?The question gave the formula; resultant force= mass * acceleration. The questin also gave that the bycycle travels for 5 seconds. Does this mean that you have to multiply the answer by 5 seconds?Nancy answers:The question probably gave that the bicycle traveled for 5 seconds to allow you to calculate the acceleration. Otherwise, assuming the question is asking for the resultant force or mass, the time is irrelevant.Carol asks…What

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Surfing For To Avoid Any Misunderstanding?

Paul asks…How to avoid a miscarriage in first trimester?In the first trimester of the pregnancy what are some very easy ways of getting a miscarrage that a woman should be very careful to avoid.it could be possible that im pregnant im not sure yet but i want to be careful just incase i am.its my first so please help.what are very easy ways i should atch out for.and wht are the risks?please help!Nancy answers:Seriously Mrs.Trena I think you misunderstood Aussies answer, Most of those foods

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Surfing For Bleeding After Starting The Mini Pill?

George asks…What contraception method should I choose?I'm torn between the mini pill (that only contains one chemical hormone instead of the two) or the implanon (the implant).
I need some advice from girls that have had experience with any of the above.
Also, I don't want to put on weight, as I put on weight last year with the original pill.
Thanks xNancy answers:I am also progesterone only as I cannot have oestrogen due to my headaches. When I first started using hormonal BC I went for

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Surfing For To Lift Up?

Ken asks…What are things to consider installing a lift kit on a truck?I have a 09 Tacoma an thinking of puting a 3" lift. I have no idea of what it would affect and so on. What are some reccomendations?Nancy answers:Are you doing suspension or body lift? Suspension you have to consider if the drive shaft will be long enough and front axles and things like that.

Body lift I don't think there's much to worry about other than the steering column.

You also have to consider the tires you put

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Surfing For Will Curves Help Me Lose Weight?

Lizzie asks…What is going On with my weight?I am 17 and about 5"2 and my weight ranges from 118-125 and I can't stand it. I have boobs and curves so it distributes fine, but I want tO stay at 115. I exercise a lot and I have one day a week that I can eat unhealthy but lately I have been gaining a lot of weight. When I stop eating I will lose weight and be at a weight I like but when I start eating (even healthy) I just gain all this weight and I have to stop eating again to lose it. I'm just

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Surfing For Stress Is A Killer?

Sandra asks…Do you think Stress is America's #1 Killer??I have many friends who have very, very serious health issues. The docotors say they can't figure out what exactly is wrong... HELLO IT'S STRESS. I really feel that stress is a silent killer. What do you think?
None of these friends are overweight.. in fact most are very healthy otherwise.Nancy answers:If stress can cause a physical pain in your chest say an anxiety attack ,then yes stress can harm/kill you ! When you stress your heart

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Surfing For Your Is What Part Of Speech?

Paul asks…What colloquial expressions do you use in everyday speech?And are any of the expressions unique to your part of the world? I am Australian and use "No worries" "Heaps Good" "Bogan" and "Thanks heaps" regularly.Nancy answers:Having done someone a good turn and they thank me, I usually respond with, "The pleasure is mine". Which is true. It is pleasurable for me to do someone a good turn.
And being Irish, when I help out the ladies and they say, "thank you", I usually respond

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Surfing For Because I Got High Lyrics?

Mark asks…Does John Mayer write his music when he's high?I was just asking because his lyrics are pretty amazing and I know he gets stoned pretty frequently.Nancy answers:Wat do u thinkBetty asks…Lyrics?!?!?!?!?please add a comment or construtive criticism. tell me how my lyrics are.
stop trying change me stop trying to see. I am who I am and nothing can change me .Stop dressing me up like play doll in house, stop fixing my hair because I'm worese for wear. Stop trying to turn me around,I

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Surfing For If You Are In A Crash While Driving?

George asks…how can i stop my dad from talking on the phone while driving?he talks on the phone all the time when me and my brother and my mom are in the car with him. he's tried to text once but i yelled at him and took the phone out of his hand. i don't want him to get hurt or hurt anyone else, but whenever i try to tell him how dangerous it is, he gets mad at me. i've told him that he would get mad at me if i tried to do that (i'm 16 and i have my permit), but he says that he's older and

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Surfing For The Body Exhibit?

Charles asks…why does sepsis show up as histotoxic hypoxia?i understand that during sepsis body exhibits a inflammatory response in which it makes blood clots which can eventually lead to organ failure, but why is it histotoxic? I'm thinking in terms of Cn poisoning or Carbon monoxide poisoning?Nancy answers:Jet 2, PLEASE separate the toxic effects of sepsis from the toxic effects of cyanide (CN) and carbon monoxide (CO) as they are completely different. Sepsis usually involves the spread

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Surfing For To Lift In Latin?

Carol asks…Is it necessary to stretch out our arms while saying the prayer our father?I personally being a catholic cant understand is it really necessary to stretch out our hands while saying the prayer~~~"OUR FATHER"Nancy answers:No,

All postures during prayer are voluntary and you should do what feels right for you.

In Mass, we usually stand in prayer.

Some stand in the orans posture, the gesture of praying with uplifted hands, during the Lord's prayer.

We kneel during the Eucharistic

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Surfing For Bleeding After Starting The Pill?

George asks…why do you start bleeding when you miss a birthcontrol pill?I miss a pill and started bleeding the same night. I have been cramping and bleeding for a week now or maybe a little bit more. Any info that i should know?Nancy answers:Breakthrough bleeding is sometimes a common experience in women who have just started taking the contraceptive pill (especially during the first month) and happens because it affects the integrity of the uterine or endometrial lining (built up in a

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Surfing For Agcl Is Insoluble?

Richard asks…Much needed help in Chemistry.?1) What is the percent of carbon in C10H14O?
a-80% b-10.7% c-9.40% d-40%
2) A 4.0L sample of air is collected at 298K and then cooled to 278K while held at constant pressure. What is the new volume of the air?
a-4.8x10^-5L b-7.4L c-4.3L d-3.7L
3) It is impossible to liquefy a substance by pressure alone is known as the..
a-vapor pressure b-critical temperature c-critical pressure d-normal boiling point
4) Electrons are found..
a-in a planet like

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Surfing For To Avoid Anemia?

Laura asks…Can someone explain anemia to me?People always seem to make some sort of connection between anemia and veganism. Someone here had posted a question about being dizzy frequently, and somebody suggested that she might be anemic. I do have frequent dizzy spells that last a minute or so. Plus, I've been really cold lately, and I've been somewhat depressed.

Would this be anemia?

If so, what can I do to prevent it or treat it?

--Also, I've been a vegetarian for a year, and I'm in the

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Surfing For To Lift Weights In French?

Steven asks…How does my friend lose weight in 7 days?So this is kinda weird but my friend tells me she's kinda fat and i tell her no she's not and she weights 150 pounds and she wants 2 know how to lose weight in 7 days before she goes to highskool so she doesnt get made fun of.Nancy answers:In order to lose weight, you need to follow a strict diet coupled with an exercise plan. By dieting I don’t mean you need to starve yourself as starving makes you feel so hungry, that you end up eating

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Surfing For When Dealing With Anxiety?

Susan asks…How to deal with my anxiety issues?I am 20 year old female. I have been dealing with anxiety for probably almost 2 years. I really can't connect to anyone(friends, boyfriends). Although I never tell them my problem because I do not want anyone to judge me. My mother really understands me and talks to me alot. It really affects my life at times. Any advice?Nancy answers:I have a frend named Jesus, he can fix you right up good as new! Thats what he did for me!Sharon asks…How do

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Surfing For Physics Formulas For Power?

Thomas asks…Can someone help me with this physics question?A standard flashlight has two 1.5-V D batteries arranged so that their voltages add together, with 2-W bulb. These batteries are rated at 3.5 amp-hours each (3.5 is the current).

a. What is the total power that can be expended by the batteries?
Use (Power=Current x Voltage).
b. What is the total energy stored in the flashlight batteries?
c. How long can the flashlight keep the bulb lit at its rated power of
2 W?

I think that for

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Surfing For After Starting The Service Hung?

Chris asks…What is the customer service phone number?I need to talk to somebody. My email is hung up and I want you to manually delete it.Nancy answers:Presumably you are asking about Yahoo Mail service. Contact Yahoo! Customer Care, here is the link to get started - http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/postmaster/forms_index.htmlMark asks…My computer is suddenly starting to lag when I open pictures or play divx movies. What could cause this?I have a pretty decent computer. It's got an AMD

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Surfing For To Lift In Italian?

Mandy asks…I am looking for a tasty way to cook a whole chicken.?I have whole chicken
hungarian paprika
mccormick season all
garlic salt
kosher salt
black pepper
cayenne pepper
chicken gravy
italian bread crumbs
salad dressing ranch
virgin olive oil
fresh garlic
almondsNancy answers:Rinse your chicken inside and out and pat dry with paper towels.
Chop your garlic cloves
Cut lemon into slices
Cut onion in half
Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees

Rub olive oil

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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Surfing For The Body Exhibit?

Robert asks…What are some fun things to do in NYC, for a hangout date with a guy I like..?We- Went to the movies and we went to the Bodies Exhibit, We also went to the Statue of Liberty. Please keep in mind, we are looking for FUN things, and we're both not into spending our time together shopping! Anything that could keep us productive and fun for a day or two.. Would seriously be greatly appreciated. We don't want anything thats gonna possibly be boring. On the lines of friendship, hanging

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Surfing For If You Are In A Rear Wheel Skid?

Mary asks…DriversEd help please?I really need help on this.I have tried over and over and over again but I always get it wrong and I really need this to lift up my grades. Please help.
1. If you are a driver, you are responsible for knowing and understanding the full effects of:
A. Your emotions on your driving
B. Alcohol on your driving
C. All of the above

2. The main cause of higher accident rates among teenage drivers is:
A. Alcohol usage
B. Risk taking
C. Exhibition of speed

3. If you

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Surfing For To Lift Weights In French?

Sandy asks…How can I get rid of stubborn belly fat?How can I get rid of it? I've tried everything! From High intensity intervals to weight training, which is what im doing now. And yes I have a healthy diet.Nancy answers:Well my plan is for dieting plus workout and everything so just read it all.
IRST OFF DONT EVER THINK ABOUT STARVING YOURSELF< that will just take longer for u to lose weight, cuz since ur not getting enough energy from food, ur body has to store ur fat for energy, so it

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Friday, April 19, 2013

Surfing For After Starting The Pill How Soon Is It Effective?

Joseph asks…Is it normal to not start birth control until the 6-week checkup after birth?I thought I'd start it sooner so that it would be effective by the 6-week mark, but my doctor said we'd discuss it at 6 weeks.

What's your experience with this? Thanks!
I don't want to do anything before the 6-weeks, but if it takes a month for the pill to be effective I thought they'd start it before the 6 weeks.Nancy answers:My OBGYN saw me at two weeks post pardum, and gave me a prescription for

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Surfing For To Avoid Any Misunderstanding?

Sharon asks…How much you value eye talk?Eyes convey non-spoken language. Body language as well reveals what you are unable to say when you wanted to say something. Reading body language helps you to avoid misunderstand, and making wrong comments. Body language is usually blunt and serious.
On the other hand, eyes do speak a different language. Eyes do express romantic feelings, as well friendly gestures. How good are you in reading body language, and more so the language of the eyes?. Did you

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Surfing For The Body Farm?

Paul asks…when you donate your body to science when you die what happens to the organs?if you wanted your organs to go to people who need them, but want your body to go to science so that they can dissect you for research do they need your organs as well? and is anything left to bury?Nancy answers:Dunno, I guess they slice and dice then burn what is left. No doubt the form you would sign would explain

I do wonder if some government will try to introduce a compulsory "body snatch" as organ

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Surfing For To Lift Definition?

George asks…Are there ways to bulk up without lifting weights?I mean... I don't know I really just don't like lifting weights. But I want to bulk up in my upper body. Do I have to lift weights? I don't want to be huge but I'm tired of being thin and having skinny arms. Also, is lap swimming counter-productive to my goal here? Because I like to swim.Nancy answers:Push ups. One of the most simple exercises and likely the most effective. This will bulk up your chest really quickly and give

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Surfing For Physics Formulas For Motion?

Michael asks…Linear Motion Physics Problem 3-28?Dennis drives for 1 hour at average speed v. Then, he drives for another hour at average speed 4v.
a. Find the overall average speed.
b. Calculate his overall average speed if his average speed for the first hour is 25 km/h, and his average speed during the second houris 100 km/h.

I am completely lost since there is only one example in the book and it involves a bee flying at a bicyclist. I drew a diagram to help me illustrate the situation.

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Surfing For When Dealing With A Breakup?

Paul asks…Encouraging stories to deal with my breakup?I am going through a really tough breakup with my ex boyfriend of 3 years. I have gotten the run around from him for quite some time so I'm really struggling. I'm almost out of college and saw myself marrying this person soon. Plus ALL my other friends are engaged or in serious relationships. I could use some encouraging words or stories on other people's love lives since right now I'm really feeling like no one is ever going to come along

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Surfing For After Starting The Engine?

Michael asks…How do i turn swagbucks to my start engine?I have swag bucks and now I want to change it to my start engine instead of google.Nancy answers:1. This is NOT a car repair question.
2. I assume swagbucks is a website, and you want it to open as soon as you open your web browser. If you have internet explorer, find the 'tools' menu. Select 'Internet Options'. Enter the website you wish to open on start up in the 'Home page' box. The process is similar on most browsers.Lisa

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Surfing For Curves Helped Me?

Ruth asks…How can a naturally skinny girl get more curves?I am a 23 yr old skinny African American lady. I have been skinny my whole life!!! I want to be able to increase my chest from a 34b to at least a C cup. Also I want to get that "Big Booty" that African-American women are suppose to have. Please help me accomplish my goal of being the ultimate curvy young woman!!!!Nancy answers:It's likely you got a fast metabolism. That can be put to good use. Go to gym and do some weight lifting. Buy

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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Surfing For Stress Is Good?

David asks…Has anyone got any good stress relieving techniques?Hello everyone,

Im in a very stressful environment at the moment. My job is stressful and my home life is unfortunately very stressful as well. I have tried searching the internet for stress reliving techniques and only get links for medications and books. I was wondering if anyone has any good exercises or techniques to calm yourself down when its all just getting a bit too much?


beckiNancy answers:Yoga is good for your

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Surfing For Your Is What Person?

Carol asks…Is there a 360 god mode mod for skyrim that still lets you build your person?If so what is the link? Please no answers like "Hey play it on PC" because I don't play on PC.Nancy answers:I used to look for a Skyrim god mode mod but then I took an arrow to the kneeDavid asks…How much money (cash and change) do you have on your person/wallet/purse?What is the typical amount one should carry around?

I'm a debit kinda person myself... I don't usually have more than 3 or 4 dollars...

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Surfing For Because I Said So?

Lisa asks…Should I report this msn conversation?So this guy found me on stickam.com and asked for my msn and was threatening to ban me....
and when we got to msn i saved this chat:

MrKen says:
MrKen says:
nice name
MrKen says:
Alyssa says:
Hrmm >.>
MrKen says:
MrKen says:
looking cute sweetcakes
Alyssa says:
At 6am.. yeah
Alyssa says:
MrKen says:
been alone all nite?
MrKen says:
you must be cold...
MrKen says:
want Me to warm you up?
Alyssa says:
I want you

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Monday, April 15, 2013

Surfing For To Lift In Latin?

Maria asks…what is difference between downbeat and upbeat?I'm trying to understand how can you tell the different between a downbeat and an upbeat in music?Nancy answers:Okay, here's the easiest way to understand.

If you stand up and lift your foot, that's the upbeat;
when you put your foot down, that's the downbeat.

Upbeats are often (or in what I used to play) used for syncopation.
(Used to play latin and Brazilian stuff, along with pop and middle-eastern.

(Not to confuse you, but in

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Surfing For To Avoid Anxiety?

Ruth asks…What can we do to avoid meltdowns when changing from vacation to back to work for a child who has autism?If stopping vacation and going back to school causes anxiety attacks how can a child who has anxiety over changes such as this avoid the anxiety? What can we do to avoid meltdowns when changing from vacation to back to work for a child like this? Only answer if you are knowledgable about Autism and triggers.Nancy answers:K, my bro has autism and is on a strict schedule in his

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Surfing For Agcl Is Soluble?

George asks…why does AgCl exist as a precipitate in water?i mean its an ionic compound and ionic compounds are thought to be completely soluble.
but in the case of AgCl its Ksp(solubility product) is 1.7 multiplied by 10 raised to power -10 (i dnt know how to ewxpress it here on scree. i dnt see any related buttons on keyboard)
so question is y it exists as a white precipitate?
plz xplain ur answer.thkzNancy answers:So you're thinking of all salts as being completely soluble and just to get

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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Surfing For After Starting The Period When Pregnancy Starts?

Betty asks…When do early signs of pregnancy start?When you the earliest signs of pregnancy start occuring? I know everyone is different, but when did yours start?Nancy answers:Not until I was about 3-4 weeks, when my period was 6 days late, but even then it wasn't anything that was huge. My breasts were fuller, not really sore. I was emotional and I just felt "different"

The earliest sign would be implantation cramping/spotting. And this can occur 6-12 days after ovulation. Not everyone

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Surfing For The Body Shop?

Maria asks…I heard Body Shop Make up Is really good but it comes off easily?Who's used body shop makeup?
Is it good? Does it apply on really well?
If i use primer with it would that make it really last?
Who's used body shop makeup with primer before?Nancy answers:I've used The Body Shop makeup and I've worked with it as well. Having worked there for a number of years I vouch for what is good and what is bad.

Good: pencil eyeliner, lip & cheek stain
Not Terrible: Blush, mattifying

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Surfing For To Lift Up?

Carol asks…How do I get my dog to lift his leg when he pees?My puppy is 10 months old and he pees on himself every time he goes because he does not lift his leg I have no other male dogs for him to learn from. Is there a way I can teach him to lift his leg? Will he learn on his own? If so, when? It drives me nutty to watch him pee on himself.Nancy answers:Maybe understanding why they lift their legs to tinkle might help. It's really a territorial issue. If there are no other male dogs

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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Surfing For If You Are In A Car That Is Struck From Behind?

Mary asks…Should a lawyer who prosecuted DUIs and DWIs of known better ?http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/402427,CST-NWS-crash26.article
A DuPage County prosecutor killed in a drunken driving crash was traveling more than 80 mph and possibly using her cell phone seconds before her government-issued car struck another vehicle head-on, authorities said Friday.

A 33-page police report also indicated that Jane Radostits had been drinking before the May 11 crash during a long lunch at an Oak

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Surfing For To Lift Weights In Spanish?

Lizzie asks…Job as an animal control officer?How is the best way to gain experience that will help to get a job as an animal control officer? I have had pets, mostly cats and dogs, all my life. But I have no previous other experience, although I am currently volunteering at the local Humane Association. I'm still going to college, but undecided with a major.

- Should I get a criminal justice or law enforcement degree?

- What about psychology? Maybe that would help when dealing with the

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Surfing For Physics Formulas For Distance?

Mary asks…Physics Question (Gravity)?-9.81 and 9.81

which do you use and when? (for basic velocity, distance formulas)Nancy answers:Positive 9.81 is used to represent acceleration due to gravity. Negative 9.81 is used to represent deceleration due to gravity. In other words, use 9.81 for basic questions. -9.81 isn't used very often until you get into the more complicated physics questions.Linda asks…Need help deriving a physics formula?Derive a general formula for the horizontal distance

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Friday, April 12, 2013

Surfing For When Dealing With An Emergency?

William asks…What is the deal with running shoe manufacturers producing extremely low quality insoles?What is the deal with running shoe manufacturers producing lower and lower quality insoles (sock liners)? Is this their answer to keeping running shoe prices (relatively) low? While shopping through Asics models, even the $130 pair had garbage quality insoles making it mandatory to upgrade to cushioning insoles, typically at $20 a set. What is your take on this issue?Nancy answers:You're

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Surfing For How Long After Starting The Pill?

Thomas asks…When do I start my 2nd birth control pack?the doctor instructed me to start my first pack on the wrong day. Its supposed to be taken the sunday after the period starts, but I couldn't make an appointment till then and she said to take it the next sunday which was a week after my period had been over.

period = Mon, March 19th
started pills = april 1st, sunday
My Next period = sun, April 21st.

Pills are 28 pack and will be over on April 28th. (the green inactive ones are from

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Surfing For To Avoid Answering A Question?

Sharon asks…Is it legal to leave legal documents when you see the person thru window and he avoids answering door in CA?This person who served these legal docs previously served him personally (pre-filed papers for an order shortening date re child custody) 3 days prior to serving the officially filed papers. The server saw him thru his home window after making a total of 3 attempts that same day, morning, afternoon, and finally in the evening where he had been home all day and evidently

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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Surfing For The Body Shop Locations?

Lizzie asks…Where can I get auto repair in San Carlos?Where are some trusted auto body shops in San Carlos, California? I prefer it to be in Belmont but I can manage the drive to San Carlos. I am looking for a facility that offers restoration, collision, mechanic , etc.Nancy answers:I only visit the bay area a couple times a year but I can recommend Eurotech Complete Auto Care. They have been there for a long time from what I remember, and they manage to live up to their 'complete auto care'

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Surfing For To Lift Definition?

Steven asks…What workouts can I do to increase definition?What kinda of workouts can I do to increase definition in my abdominals, chest and arms?Nancy answers:Well join a gym if you can. A personal trainer can usually help you reach your goals. Also if you want definition try not to lift too heavy or you will become bulky try medium weights and increase repetitions.James asks…Is it okay to lift two days in a row if you are just toning your muscles?I am lifting to get mobility with power.

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Surfing For Periods After Starting The Pill?

John asks…Can my period start a week and a half early after taking the morning after pill?My last period started july 2nd and lasted till july 10th. Its the 22 and i have cramps and a slight bit of bleeding. I had sex on the 13th, took the pill on the 14th, then had unprotected sex again on the 15th (which i regret). Could the pill have altered my period and make it start this early? Or do you think it is spotting from the pill? or do you think it could be implantation? Please give your

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Surfing For To Lift Weights In Spanish?

Lisa asks…tips on getting and keeping good grades?I am going to be a jr and i am 100% motivated on getting and keeping good grades
i did average my fresh and soph years you know A's B's and C's
but I want to get straight A's from now on, and remember I am 100% motivated which means I am willing to make my life revolve around schoolNancy answers:I am going through the same exact thing, as a jr next year. To make sure you will be successful for next year, try to waste as little time possible

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Surfing For If You Are In A Hole Stop Digging?

James asks…How do you get a Labrador to stop digging?Help!! You just digs and digs all day when I'm not at home.. Im at work and on my lunch break I see tons of holes in my backyard. Is this a stage for a 3 year old? If not how do I get him to stop?Nancy answers:OK this sounds gross, I know, But it WORKS. Put his poop in the holes. Seriously! Depending on how deep they are put a little dirt back in the hole first, then put a poo in, then cover with dirt untill it's flush with the rest of the

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Surfing For The Body?

Lisa asks…How do you make body tiaras on Runescape?Do you wear a body tiara then have 14 body talismans and tiaras in your inventory? Then what? Do you click on the altar or what? Do you use it together?Nancy answers:Hi,

Use a body talisman to enter the Body altar. Use the talisman with a normal tiara in your inventory. Choose the option create body tiara. Then the tiara is complete. You can wear the tiara to enter the body talisman with just 1 click.

Hope this helps! :)Chris asks…What is

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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Surfing For If You Are In A Bookstore And Cannot Find?

Charles asks…My kids wear me out!!! I really don't know how to keep them busy anymore.?I have two precious girls (2-4 y/o). We have pretty busy mornings with lots of fun and educational activities (museums, parks, skating class, gymnastics, bookstores, play-dates, libraries, etc) at 3pm we are back home and even when I got them lots of toys they follow me around like ducklings. I cannot shower, cook, read, or even eat without them trying to climb on my lap. They have plenty of fun toys but if

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Surfing For If You Are In A Hole Stop Digging?

Mandy asks…*Jokes ~~~ Enjoy a few laughs !!! ~~?Will Rogers, who died in a plane crash with Wylie Post in 1935, was probably the greatest political sage this country has ever known. Enjoy the following:

Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco.

Never kick a cow chip on a hot day.

There are 2 theories to arguing with a woman...neither works.

Never miss a good chance to shut up.

Always drink upstream from the herd.

If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

The quickest

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Surfing For If You Are In A Crash While Driving?

Thomas asks…Where can I find this texting while driving commercial?It just shows some one's hand with a phone in it and the text is shown a little at a time until it says something like "how are you going to make it to the party if you don't survive this crash?" and then there's a crash. It scared the crap out of me and I want to find it for a friend. Thank you for any help!
I suppose I should add that I've tried searching google and youtube with different combos of "texting while driving

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Monday, April 8, 2013

Surfing For If You Are In A Car That Is Struck From Behind?

Maria asks…How do we punish uninsured motorist who cause an accident resulting in injury or death ?I was struck on my motorcycle by an unisured motorist that ran a stop sign, breaking a total of 9 bones, I've had 4 operations and I still have 1 more to go. My bills have hit over $ 300,000 the woman that hit me got less than a $1000 in fines and is already driving again. I think it should be a $ 2000 dollar fine and they lose their auto to be sold at auction and drivers license for a year. The

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Surfing For To Lift Up?

Sandy asks…How many inches can you lift an 84 f150 before you have to start adjust the steering stuff?Like how many inches can you lift a 1984 f150 before you have to start changing up steering linkage and messing with your steeringNancy answers:Maybe 2, not sure. The steering fix is easy though, just get a drop pitman arm for the lift you want.Helen asks…How much will it cost to put a lift on my truck?I have a 1998 ford f150 and i want to put a lift on it. I will have no clue how to do

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Surfing For After Starting The Computer Shuts Off?

William asks…Why does my computer shut off by itself several times a day?Whether I am using it at the time or not, my computer shuts off and starts again. I have been directed to the microsoft website for the "cure" many, many times to no avail. Microsoft says that it is caused by my smartlink modem and I need to install service pack 2. Done that and it didn't help. Any ideas?Nancy answers:Your computer is fed up with you.Mary asks…Why does my computer shut off when I close the lid?For

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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Surfing For Curves Helpful?

Lisa asks…Where can I design a phone case online for the UK?I want to design a phone case online without going on an American website. Their aren't many UK websites. If anyone knows of any sites or anyone that can desgin a Blackberry Curve case, that would be helpful! Thanks xo.Nancy answers:In "ideasproject.com"Carol asks…What should I wear to My sister's communion?My younger sister is having her first holy communion about a month from now, and I'd really like to look my best for the

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Surfing For Your Is What Type Of Word?

Mark asks…PoLL!!Can You Tell Me What Your Type Of Guy Or Girl Is In Just Three Words?Thank you... :)

BQ-When is the last time karma b*tch slapped you?Nancy answers:Funny,hot,affectionate

BQ-Almost 5 years ago,and I can say I've paid my karma back x10.George asks…What is the name of the RPG game (possibly called Dungeon) where you just type words to find your way around?I'm looking for the RPG game where all you do is type in words to find your way around, such as "west, east, north and

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Surfing For How Long After Starting The Pill?

Steven asks…What happens if you take two birth control pills every other day for a month?I've been taking birth control for 7 months now and I understand that's not how the pill is prescribed but I forget. Don't preach how I should take my meds, just answer my questions.
Could doing this throw off my period?
If so, how long?
I started the brown pills and I haven't gotten my period, but I took a pregnancy test and it says I'm not pregnant. I'm hoping that my period is off but I don't

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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Surfing For Bleeding After Starting The Mini Pill?

Chris asks…Is this my period starting back up already?im almost 7 weeks postpartum i just finally stopped bleeding on thursday and i started taking a "mini pill" on thursday as well. this morning i woke up to discover that i am bleeding again. Could this be my period already or could it be a result of having intercourse last night? Or maybe something else? any help is appreciated thanks
also im exclusively breastfeeding shouldn't that keep me from having my period?Nancy answers:You will

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Surfing For After Starting The Period When Pregnancy Starts?

Joseph asks…After you miss your period, when should you or can you take an at home pregnancy test?I am almost a week late I was suppose to start the 26th or 27th of August and still no period! I did have sex around ovulation time. So I am hopeful that I am pregnant! But I don't know when I should test because I took 2 tests before the 30th but got negatives. . .so what do you think?Nancy answers:How soon can I test? Well, first you gotta know how the test works. Briefly: the home pregnancy

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Surfing For Bleeding After Starting The Pill?

Mandy asks…How do you start your first packet of oral contraceptive pill?How do you start your first packet of oral contraceptive pill?

A. First active pill on the first day of your bleed?
B. First sugar pill on the first day of your bleed?
C. Just start on active pill today, don't care what part of cycle you are at?Nancy answers:You can do A or C. Its up to you though. I did see and missed my period :) it was the best hahaHelen asks…Is long term bleeding after taking next choice normal?I

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Friday, April 5, 2013

Surfing For After Starting The Service Hung?

Daniel asks…I need help with dealing with a debt.?I went to a photo shoot with my boyfriend at the time. It was free and had no obligations in buying the photo's. After the photo shoot itself we were shown the pictures and although the picture were nice and we had a really good day, we only really liked a couple and wanted to purchase a few. As I have said we were under no obligation but as two very shy people we both felt as if we were forced into making a purchase not only that but buying

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Surfing For To Avoid Anger?

Steven asks…When you see negative transits by Mars to your natal chart...and you can change your schedule..do you?by just taking off for a couple of weeks seperate from each other (if it shows negative transits in both your chart and your partners or work colleuges chart) and come back again after negative transits have passed for both of you?

or what do you do normally?

how does it work out?

can you just avoid people as much as possible during this time?

please explain how often it is

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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Surfing For When Dealing With Anxiety?

Ruth asks…How do you deal with anxiety?What are you personal methods for dealing with anxiety (without drugs). Do you exercise, meditate, etc? What, personally, works best for you?Nancy answers:Exercise, eating lots of fruits and veggies. Lots of Water and a hot shower.Joseph asks…What are techniques for dealing with Anxiety?I don't want any psycho meds. I just want natural ways to deal with anxiety. I have a lot of fears like dying and being ill even though I am not. I also get sharp

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Surfing For Because Of You?

Sandy asks…Has anyone quit because they were being treated badly at their place of employment?How would you have handled it?

I stopped complaining about a month before I quit. And I was denied unemployment because I didn't complain the last month of my employment. You are right if you are thinking it makes it worse on you if you complain. But if you are planning on quitting anyway, you need to keep records of everything and complain, complain, complain. Try to stay on the good side of a

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Surfing For Physics Formulas For Velocity?

Daniel asks…Physics help please (Formulas too)?1. A box is dragged up an incline a distance of 8 m s with a force of 50 N. If the
increase in potential energy of the box is 300 joules, the work done against friction is?

2.A baseball bat strikes a ball with an average force of 2.0 × 104 N. If the bat stays in
contact with the ball for a distance of 5.0 × 10–3 m , what kinetic energy will the ball acquire
from the bat?

3. A machine does work at the rate of 600 watts. How much weight

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Surfing For If You Are In A Cold Dark Room?

Michael asks…Ive got a brand new nearly 2 grands worth of laptop, but.......?Yeah, but my enormous dark cold room/office in this bleeding great big castle where i live with my 25 dogs, is the dust capital of norfolk. If i were to get some cling film and cover my keyboard with it, i could still work as normal but no dust going into it. Or could i? What do you reakon? Good idea? or have years of drug and drink abuse finally made me lose uno plotto?Nancy answers:Nowt wrong with smoking the weed

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Surfing For Agcl Is A Solid?

Ken asks…Chemistry molarity question?One way to determine the amount of chloride ion in a water sample is to titrate the sample with standard AgNO3 solution to produce solid AgCl.

Ag+(aq) + Cl -(aq) AgCl(s)

If a 15.1 mL water sample requires 22.2 mL of 0.114 M AgNO3 in such a titration, what is the concentration of Cl - in the sample?Nancy answers:Ag+ + Cl^-1 --> AgCl
22.2 mL x 0.114 M = 2.53 millimoles Ag^+1 (0.00253 mole)
0.00253 mole Cl^-1 reacts with 0.00253 mole Ag^+1

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Surfing For Stress Is Defined As?

Jenny asks…Anyone Good with Calculus?I have no idea how to go about this problem in Matlab, if you could give me some pointers or tell me how to attempt this that would be great.

You must design a structure where a heavy load is supported by three vertical cables, each with a different diameter. You must create a function to determine how the structure responds to different loading. This function should take a force as the argument and report how the structure responds. The specifications

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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Surfing For To Lift In Latin?

Richard asks…How do hispanics and Cubans feel about BHO`s decision to lift travel and economic restrictions to Cuba?Nancy answers:We need to pay attention to what Fidelito and Raulito will ask of the Impostor Barack Hussein Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro, and what he will give them.

Money that is sent from Cubans to their families there finds its way into the pockets of the Castro brothers. The reason that the embargo on Cuba has not worked is the same that has been seen on other countries, i.e.

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Surfing For Periods After Starting The Pill?

Chris asks…When is it safe to have sex after starting birth control pill?I started my period on 23rd sept. I started the birth control pill on sunday 2nd oct.
when is it safe to have sex?
i have never been on the pill, and always used implanon. So the experienced pill user pls let me know. I dont want a baby, i have four kids already.Nancy answers:I would wait a month in till the pill gets fully into your system. Until then use condoms, they are the best source of protection against

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Surfing For The Bodyguard?

Ken asks…What does and how do you become a bodyguard?Well this question is out of curiosity and I also would like to know. I have a background in martial arts and self protection and I also shoot regularly. I eventual want a career as a IFA but as a start up job a bodyguard sounds OK but like I said this question is mostly out of cursory. Thanks!!Nancy answers:You get this type of role based on your reputation. In most cases bodyguards come from the armed services or police. This means

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Monday, April 1, 2013

Surfing For To Lift In Italian?

Mandy asks…What area were the Germans and Italians trying to control in Northen Africa and Why? (WWII)?I am pretty sure the answer is some sort of canal but I don't know the exact one. So please tell me that. And don't forget why! Thank you if you answer this! I have a test tomorrow on it!Nancy answers:Benito Mussolini believed Italy was a "prison" in the Mediterranean and was determined to break the Anglo-French control of the sea thus freeing Italy and allowing him to recreate some form of

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Surfing For To Avoid Any Doubt?

Charles asks…Can you help me avoid offending the people at a Hasidic religious service?I am a graduate student taking a class on ethnicity and culture. I have an assignment that calls for me to observe an activity or event belonging to a culture other than my own. I am planning on going to the Shabbat service at a local Hasidic synagogue. Can anyone give me an overview of things that I should (or should not) do so that I may avoid offending anyone? My plan is to go and observe mainly and to

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Surfing For Physics Formulas For Acceleration?

Michael asks…in the formula for acceleration can initial velocity be zero?Physics exam tomorrow need answers quick. In the formula for acceleration (final velocity - initial velocity / time taken) can initial velocity be zero?Nancy answers:Yes its possible because when the body is in rest or there is no particular points are given it is usedKen asks…Physics Acceleration Question?During our physics lab where we measured the acceleration of a cart up an inclined plane with a wheel at the top

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